Accessibility Consulting - Even Grounds

Do you want to increase your business by providing accessible services to people with disabilities?

Do you need to provide accessible/Section 508 solutions for a government contract?

Would you like to make your services available to more people?

Would you like to make your products more usable just by making it accessible?

Are you looking for affordable prices and high-class accessibility services?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you are at the right place! Our services include:

Read more about our services and contact us to start making a difference today.

Section 508 Classes

Even Grounds is conducting Section 508 classes in Washington DC. Read more and register!

The Telecommunications and Electronic and Information Technology Advisory Committee (TEITAC) submitted its recommendations to the Access Board

On April 3, 2008 the Telecommunications and Electronic and Information Technology Advisory Committee (TEITAC) delivered its final report to the Access Board. In 2006, the committee was tasked with putting together a set of recommendations to update the currently existing standards mandated by Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act and Section 255 of the Telecommunications Act. Read more!

Even Grounds is conducting the first advanced web accessibility course in East Asia

Ten people from Vietnam, Malaysia, Thailand, the Philippines and Indonesia are participating. Students will learn about web accessibility online for three months, which will be followed by a face-to-face course in Malaysia. After the classes participants will start introducing web accessibility in their own countries and train more experts. The course is hosted by the Overbrook-Nippon Network on Educational Technology (ON-NET). The Overbrook-Nippon Network on Educational Technology is a regional initiative that is expanding the use of assistive technology for blind and low vision persons in Southeast Asia to help increase educational access and expand employment opportunities. It is a collaborative effort of the Overbrook School for the Blind and the Nippon Foundation. Read the press release

Limited time offer - Free Accessibility Evaluation

Get a free web page accessibility report. Read more.

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Ask about software, document or web site accessibility, standards or regulations, programming or legislation. We will not leave you disappointed.

Our commitment to you: if you feel we couldn't answer your question, we will help you get in touch with someone who can do a better job.

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