Tamas Babinszki

Experiences | Education | Skills | Achievements | Publications | Presentations | References |

Work Experience

Project Performance Corporation in McLean, VA
Assistive Technology/Section 508 Analyst, July 2005 to Present
Bartimaeus Group, LLC in McLean, VA
Access Technology Specialist, August 2001 to July 2005
Braille Production Manager, August 2002 to March 2005
Consulting for system accessibility:
Babel Solutions Ltd in London, UK
Director of translation agency, November 2004 to August 2005
Global entrepreneur of an on-line translation agency with a staff of forty consultant translators. Providing a wide range of translation services to a diverse clientele.

Overbrook School for the Blind, in Philadelphia, PA
Educational Consultant, December 2004 to July 2005
Worked with universities in Beijing, Shanghai and Changchun (China) to promote the acceptance of visually impaired students to universities.

Hungarian Association of the Blind in Budapest, Hungary
Computer Software Instructor, September 1999 to May 2000

Vacation Camp for the Blind in Spring Valley, NY
Computer instructor, Summer 1998 and Summer 1999

Elte University in Budapest, Hungary
Student government member, November 1997 to May 2000


Project Management Institute September, 2007
Project Management Professional    
George Mason University August 2003 to May 2005 Arlington, VA
M.A. in International Commerce and Policy    
Elte University September 1997 to January 2002 Budapest, Hungary
M.A. in American Studies    
Study abroad (2000-2001) at Trinity College and completed a thesis on African American cultural history






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