More accessible web sites are on the way in Southeast Asia

Alexandria, VA - April 30, 2008

A group of visually impaired people in Southeast Asia are participating in a web accessibility course, sponsored by the Overbrook-Nippon Network on Educational Technology. Even Grounds, a Washington DC based accessibility company is conducting a 12 week online course followed by a one week intensive training in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

As of today, Southeast Asian countries still need many more web sites which are accessible for people with disabilities, as well as experts who can make these web sites accessible. The ten course participants are learning to identify accessibility problems and help developers make their sites completely usable for people with disabilities. This will provide more opportunities for people with disabilities to perform basic activities on the internet, such as attending courses, banking, shopping and entertainment, which can be taken for granted for others. This course will also help the participants to more job opportunities in the fields of accessibility consulting and training.

Even Grounds was founded in 2007 to provide Section 508 and accessibility consulting to make web, software and hardware products accessible for people with disabilities. The Overbrook-Nippon Network on Educational Technology is a regional initiative that is expanding the use of assistive technology for blind and low vision persons in Southeast Asia to help increase educational access and expand employment opportunities.


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