DDA Services

The Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) requires web developers to create accessible web pages in the UK. To determine the level of accessibility, the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) are used as a measuring tool. This set of guidelines provides a high level of web accessibility when implemented properly.

Today, the WCAG 1.0, which was written in 1999, is the official recommendation, but WCAG 2.0 is in its final draft and is expected to be implemented soon. Both set of guidelines consist of three levels of accessibility. In WCAG 1.0 it is called priority 1, priority 2 and priority 3. In WCAG 2.0, these levels are called level A, level AA and level AAA conformance requirements.

We can help you achieve full compliance with WCAG 1.0 and WCAG 2.0 on any levels. We recommend at least a WCAG priority 2 and WCAG level AA conformance.

Your products can be:

Our evaluation process includes the following steps:

Contact us, describe your product, and get started today.

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          W3C-WAI Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0

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