Accessibility Promotion
Find out how accessible is your web site for people with disabilities. We can help you to determine how well people can browse your web site who use screen readers, screen magnification systems or voice recognition systems.
For more information, Read more about our accessibility services!
Receive a free evaluation
Before you make a commitment, let us make a commitment to you. We will evaluate one page of your site, absolutely free, then we will send you a sample report taylored to the page you select. It is not an automated reporting service, an accessibility consultant will do the evaluation for you.
The report is for you to keep without any further commitments. And if you like our work, we will be happy to help you make your web site accessible.
This offer is valid for one page per domain only.
In the form below, please specify your e-mail address where we can send your free report, and include the URL you want us to evaluate in the message. Also, please specify any special instructions. We will get back to you shortly.
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