Flexible 2 ========== Flexible 2 is a Drupal 6 compatible replacement for the Flexible theme. It is a complete rewite, hence the change of name. Key features are: - Accessibility navigation links at start of page - Pre and post header regions to give administrators flexibility as to where to place their content - Table-less two or three column layout - Accessibility settings for: - - Switching page layout from 2/3 column to linear - - Change font sizes - - Change colour schemes - Some pre-set stylesheets, to allow content to be wrapped in boxes with rounded corners (Accessibility keys, which were implemented in the Drupal 5 version of the Flexible theme, have not been included in this version.) Theme settings ============== You need to visit the theme settings page, admin/build/themes/settings/flexible2, after enabling the theme to switch on some of the default settings. You can also use the settings screen to make your own customisations. The theme settings page has a number of options allowing you to control the layout: - Accessibility settings: - - URL of accessibility guide - Lets you specify a URL (http://...) or a Drupal node (node/..) which contains the site's accessibility guide. If specified, this will be displayed at the top of the page in the accessibility links section. - - Rules to control the accessibility modes - for each mode you can specify which stylesheets to turn on (or off) - - Where to put the accessibility mode selector on the screen - Standard settings: - - CSS classes for each of the sections of the page. You can specify the CSS classes for each of these sections, which will allow you to introduce pre-written styling information for these sections. For instance, setting the class as "box_shadow" will apply rounded corners and a shadow effect to the section. Pre-set classes supplied with this theme are documented in the accompanying file, boxes.htm - - Rules, which allow you to add CSS classes to specific blocks of content. As with the main sections of the page, these can be used to give blocks, such as navigation or primary links, one of the pre-written rounded box styles. To help you identify the Drupal block names a feature can be switched which will display these. - - Inline CSS allows you to add inline CSS rules to your page - - You can also specify additional style sheets, which you can add to your page. - - Show links to W3C validators so you can validate your HTML and CSS with a single click. Page layout =========== The following shows the layout of the page and how the elements are identified (the settings screen also has a diagram of the page layout): SECTION(header_outer) SECTION(accessibility): dynamically-generated accessibility links, eg "skip to content", "skip to navigation" etc REGION(header_top): block elements that you wish to place before the logo, title etc SECTION(header_inner) ELEMENT(logo) ELEMENT(title) ELEMENT(slogan) REGION(header_bottom): block elements that you wish to place after the logo, title etc SECTION(content_outer) REGION(left): block elements which you wish to place in the left hand column SECTION(centre) REGION(content_top): block elements which you wish to place before the main page content SECTION(content_inner) ELEMENT(mission): the mission statement, which only appears on the front page ITEM(breadcrumb): the breadcrumb trail ITEM(title): the page title ITEM(messages): any messages supplied by Drupal ITEM(tabs): sub-menu items, which are rendered in tabs ITEM(help): any help text for the current page ITEM(content): the main page content REGION(content_bottom): block elements which you wish to place before the main page content REGION(right): block elements which you wish to place in the right hand column SECTION(footer_outer) REGION(footer_top) ELEMENT(footer_message) REGION(footer_bottom) All the SECTIONS, REGIONS, ELEMENTS AND ITEMS shown above have the following features: - They are wrapped in a DIV tag of the same id, eg