CHANGELOG for the bluebreeze theme ===================================== ===================================== bluebreeze-1.2 (2007-02-03) * fixed layout bugs in IE7 (patches by AmirTheSeventh, wonderland, thecarlhall and diovi) * improved header region display * fixed bug in user page rendering * removed equal heights * improvements in tpl.php files (patch by Tobias Maier): only print block title if it is set * several minor fixes and improvements bluebreeze-1.1 (2006-12-22) * CHANGELOG.txt added * fixed the broken primary links in bluebreeze-fixed bluebreeze-1.0 (2006-12-22) * various minor bug fixes 2006-11-26 * reworked the layout completely as the new clearing class in Drupal 5 was incompatible with the old layout css structure (content was pushed down). Bluebreeze uses now a layout based on the technique described on ("One True Layout"). * created a seperate branch for Drupal 4.7.x * made the CSS W3C valid 2006-11-04 * changed header font to a sans-serif font * improved positioning of header elements * fixed poll bar display * minor styling improvements 2006-10-20 * several minor bugfixes * fixed a whitespace bug in IE 2006-10-18 * added fixed-width version * initial check-in of bluebreeze