// $Id: CHANGELOG.txt,v 2008/04/23 19:20:38 jareyero Exp $ TO DO ----- - Taxonomy autocomplete, localized terms - Add language filter to search form - Allow hiding of *all* node language links - Enable synchronization of CCK fields (Waiting for CCK module upgrade) 6.x-dev to ------------------ - Disabled CCK integration in i18nsync till there's a stable cck version - Fixed multiple issues with selection modes and some old function clean up - Fixed issues with menu administration pages, now showing all items for nodes - Improved block management, no need for 'Translated' duplicated blocks anymore. - Added new dependency for i18nmenu, now it works with i18nblocks - Fixed: i18nstrings_to() not changing location, http://drupal.org/node/230750 - Fixed: taxonomy vocabulary setting not saved when set to 'none' - Updated README.txt and INSTALL.txt files - Added string refreshing for all the modules using i18nstrings. - Fixed installation issues doing operations on enable hook instead of install. - Fixed: wrong function name on i18ntaxonomy producing errors/warnings - Fixed: blocks not saving language properly. - Improved taxonomy vocabulary form, re-grouping the fields and with some help text. - Fixed Call-time-pass-by reference, http://drupal.org/node/231856 - New refresh and update feature for i18nstrings (implemented for taxonomy and content) 5.x to 6.x ---------- 07/03/2008 - Fixed file synchronization for translations - Added field population for synchronized fields - Translating taxonomy for new node translations - Taxonomy synchronization is now a per content type option 23/02/2008 - Added aggregated polls: i18npoll.module - Options for language icons: show/don't show for nodes and block 21/02/2008 - Upgraded i18ncontent, fully reworked, much cleaner now - Improved i18nstrings, translation of strings without source, debug facility - Replaced taxonomy term pages with localized version 19/02/2008 Initial dev release for Drupal 6 - Fully reworked block translation, language for blocks now, dropped old metablocks - Fully reworked menu translation, uses Drupal 6 features and extended blocks - Fully reworked taxonomy translation, all options in the same module now - Better code documentation and help texts everywhere - Reorganized package, no more experimental modules, all modules in its folder now - Language icons in an independent module now - Reworked strings handling (extended localization) - Trimmed down parts now done by Drupal core - Upgraded most of the modules, other are waiting on some dependencies (cck, views, nodeasblock, etc...) 4.7.x to 5.x ------------ - Upgraded all modules - Added lots of features and new modules to the collection 4-7-4 to .... -------------- - Added support for RTL languages - Added native names for languages - Cleaned up multilingual variable management - Handling of attachments as file revisions. No need to duplicate anymore 4-6-0 to 4-7-4 -------------- 30/11/2005 - Added basic workflow support for translations - Lost of bug fixes - Content administration tab for translations 20/08/2005 - Updated for HEAD - Simplified patches 13/06/2005 - Fixed some minor bugs - Created HOWTO.txt for misc documentation - Added Russian flag - Updated patches for 4.6.1 16/05/2005 - Updated README.txt, taxonomy translations - Fixed i18n_includes.patch 4-5-0 to 4-6-0 -------------- 24/04/2005 - Created 4-6 branch - Updated docs 11/04/2005 - Fixed bug http://drupal.org/node/20305 (pgsql typo) - Updated generated links to latest changes in l() - Some code cleanup - Update script from 4.5 to CVS 29/03/2005 - Japanese flag - Updated contributors 26/03/2005 - Added some logic in query rewriting functions to get all terms & vocabs when administering categories and the right ones when editing a node. - Reworked configuration options for flags. Now language appears in the alt text for icons. Accesibility++ - Added support for long locale names (http://drupal.org/node/14814). Still needs some fallback mechanism. - Merging all the code in only one include file: i18n.inc - Not running anymore the language name through localization system: http://drupal.org/node/19179 - Added & updated PostgreSQL schema - Changed block HTML from using tables to HTML list, for consistency with the rest of Drupal blocks - Added some contributed language flags - Some cleaning up, WIP, preparing for 4.6 release 04/02/2005 - Applied patch http://drupal.org/node/15966 (Switch to translated nodes and taxonomy listings) - Moved the file i18n.mysql and fixed bug - Cleaned up the patches (NK) 02/02/2005 - Term translations in a new table - Implemented db_rewrite_sql hook - Improved taxonomy forms - Fixed bug with update.php - Moved most of the hooks to i18n.inc, to fix some problems and speed up cached pages 23/01/2005 - Reworked init system, module.inc patch not needed anymore - Implemented hook_node_query_sql, node.module patch not needed anymore - Using redirects from the main page depending on browser language - Removed translations from taxonomy terms - Added language to vocabularies 04/01/2004 - Now language icons are not displayed with teasers - Fixed http://drupal.org/node/15062 (Inconsistent i18n_front_page vs. i18n_frontpage) - Fixed http://drupal.org/node/14640 (Page not found) - Fixed http://drupal.org/node/14475 (all init hooks disabled by cvs patch) 07/12/2004 - Fixed http://drupal.org/node/13982 (setting languages in config file fails) - Changed configurable path to language icons, to configurable html tag. Reconfiguration of the module needed. - Changed 'flags' to 'language icons', and the images to 16x12px png - Fixed http://drupal.org/node/13319 (some issues with cached pages) - Reworked initialization system. New patches for bootstrap.inc, module.inc 30/11/2004 - Updated to current DRUPAL-4-5 branch, won't work with 4.5.0 anymore - Cleaned the code as suggested by Dries - Renamed some database fields: 'lang' to 'language' in 'node' and 'taxonomy_term' 23/11/2004 [Full rewrite] - Updated INSTALL.txt and README.txt - Basic translation interface for nodes and taxonomy terms - Simplified configuration, removed many options - Language code is now kept only in url - No need for include file anymore (patched common.inc::url) - Moving ahead from multi-table approach - Drop all the multi-table-synchronization logic - Simple database patches for 'node' and 'taxonomy_term' tables 4-4-0 to 4-5-0 -------------- - Removed the common.inc patch 01, as it already got into the core - Added language dependent variables - Refined node and taxonomy synchronization - Rearranged configuration interface - Option to get supported languages from locale module - Replaced some global variables with functions. - Fixed an issue with outgoing links and url prefixing - Some integration with locale module - $languages changed to i18n_languages in the config file - Added patch for locale system to get the language from i18n - Partial rewriting and cleaning up of the code - Now, any two letter prefix in url will be taken as language - Fixed bug with url rewriting 13/07/2004 - Updated according to patches and description on http://drupal.org/node/view/8977 06/04/2004 - Changed options in conf file - Added taxonomy synchronization - Added node synchronization - Added *real* content translation with language-dependant tables - Repackaging: placed all the files under modules/i18n - Fix Call to undefined function: drupal_get_path_map() - Fixed small problem with drupal_goto 4-4-0 ------------ - Initial release